Monday 24 January 2011

Mopping Up # 2

As regular readers will probably note, I've mucked about with the sidebar you see to your right a bit, swapping things around and adding a few quick, clickable logos in an attempt to highlight some of the different strands I've got running here and perhaps make navigating this place a bit easier.

So just to clarify: henceforth, clicking the "Two Fisted Tales" button will take you straight to all the posts I've done about pulp book covers and related matters. Just calling it 'Pulp Fiction' or something would have been clearer, but doesn't sound as nifty. The other categories should hopefully be self-explanatory.

That is all.

Will be back with exciting new posts of one kind or another imminently.

1 comment:

Löst Jimmy said...

Glad you are sticking with the Final Programme as your Blog title image