Sunday 15 August 2010


It has come to my attention that over the past forty eight hours, this blog’s number of followers has nearly tripled. Which is… cool. Apparently Blogger has selected me as a ‘blog of note’. That was nice of them – cheers to whoever was responsible.

I hope that some of you new readers like what I’m doing enough to stick around. It’s all fairly self-explanatory I suppose. There are films, which I watch, and talk about. There are books, which are mainly things I’ve found in charity shops that appeal to me because they have striking/exciting/weird cover designs, although recently I’ve started writing short pieces about authors whose work I’ve actually been reading too (in a genre fiction context at least). Sometimes I might post videos of short films or trailers of note; sometimes I may do other things, who knows. But that’s basically yr lot. Music I do on my other blog.

Anyway, the point of this post was initially going to be to draw people’s attention to the banner above, which I initially saw on Celluloid Highway the other day. I can't be bothered to figure out how to make the image link to the petition as stated, but here's a link.

I guess it’s fair to say it’s probably something like the 500, 000th most important issue one could conceivably sign a petition about, but still, when it comes to causes I can whole-heartedly get behind, “getting old horror movies shown on the BBC again” probably ranks up there with eliminating world hunger, restricting international arms trading and letting the children boogie.

Because, well… I won’t launch into my standard diatribe about how TV’s become so worthless I don’t even own one anymore, but man, up until a few years ago, the BBC used to show some GREAT stuff late on Saturday nights. In fact, it’s stuff I first saw in that magic slot after Newsnight Review that is perhaps chiefly responsible for turning me into an active fan of horror/cult films, rather than just a passive ‘yeah, they’re pretty cool’ consumer. It was on late night TV that I first saw “Psychomania”, Michael Reeves’ “The Sorcerers”, John Gilling’s “The Night Caller”, Anthony Balch’s “Horror Hospital”, “Incense For The Damned”, “Plague Of The Zombies”, the list goes on – all fantastic films, many of which are unavailable on domestic DVD to this day. And even when nothing especially mind-blowing turned up, the opportunity take in as much of “Lust For A Vampire” or “Scream And Scream Again” as I could before I drifted off to sleep is one that all lonely, penniless young people should be able to avail themselves of after the pubs close on a weekend.

Despite the subsequent digital TV ‘revolution’, there’s now nowhere that shows this stuff, or anything remotely comparable re: worthwhile old movies. Surely digging ‘em out of the vaults can’t be any more expensive than buying in more shitty made-for-TV thrillers from America? How else will our children learn about ritual decapitation, the occult properties of graveyard toads and whether or not Joan Collins stands a chance against a psychopathic Santa Claus?

So, er, yeah. You get the picture.


mokiie said...

Plague Of The Zombies is such a great film! i love watching old movies, even though I'm a little embarrassed to admit, Breakfast at Tiffani's is one of my favorites.

I agree about tv being rubbish these days so in despair we turn to our books, there are still a couple of decent authors out there.

Ben said...

Yeah, Plague Of The Zombies is actually my all-time favourite Hammer film - quite an unusual choice I guess, but every aspect of it just works perfectly for me.

Breakfast At Tiffanys is a great movie too I think - certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.

mokiie said...

no, not unusual choice, an excellent choice if you ask me.

Marnie said...

I saw your blog as one of the suggested sites. I've enjoyed reading your posts. I'm now following.

Terw said...


Weight Fight said...

Blog of Note - Congratulations!

Enjoyed reading your blog!!

RSA Certificate said...

Hey found your blog through Blogs of Note (great choice by them btw). I totally agree, bring back old horror! There's nothing quite like sitting in front of the TV late at night trying to scare yourself silly :)

ruby said...

I totally agree- most stuff on the television these days are a bunch of crap.


Alessandra said...

Fancy that, I thought that this was a food blog :-)

Nice surprise, made my day ;-)



Tommy said...

Congrats on the blog of note status. Nice blog too!

Smic said...

Please concider changing your design. Or at least your font. It is too tiering.

Ben said...

Thanks all.

You'll have to prise my Times New Roman from my cold, dead hands I'm afraid Smic.

I do wish the main column on this blog template was wider and the margins were smaller, but I like having a sidebar too, and I know from past experience that it tends to get shoved to the bottom if you go tinkering with the layout yourself, so whatcha gonna do?

sher said...

This is an awesome blog. And I am wholeheartedly sorry that the plague of crappy american tv has besmirched your shores. I don't know why we can't exprt quality products instead of infesting the world with the shite we don't want to watch either. But I do hope that some of our better Sci-fi reaches you: Sanctuary, Warehouse 13, Eureka, SG-1. I wish we were accepting more imports from England. Merlin is wonderful as is Doctor Who (Baker fan). But we don't get the good Mysteries until someone sends it to WGBH in Boston and no one here has heard of the totally awesome new Robin Hood.
Gotta love the Richard Armitage.

Joan Collins will meet her match one day.
Mayhap Smic could be helped with a larger font size? Serif fonts are superior for legibility because they give the eyes a place to rest unlike san-serif fonts. I prefer gramond as the bowls are larger and don't seem squishy in smaller points. Only a thought.

El Ente Dilucidado said...

Well... I use to help in another blog (called Plan 9) uploading old horror movies like "Scream And Scream Again", "The Wicker Man", "Lust For A Vampire", "Eye Of The Devil", "Neither The Sea Nor The Sand", "The Night Of The Ghoul", "The Whip And The Body" and others.
I'm not the "real" blogger; I'm just a contributor, a helper. The blog mainstream is the Sci-Fi (B-movies from the 50's, 60's) but I work with another stream. I only upload horror films. British, italians, spanish horror films from the 60's and 70's (Hammer, Tigon, Tyburn, Amicus, Italian Gothic, etc).

The most of the movies are spanish dubbed (I'm spaniard, of course) but I try to upload original versions with subtitles or dual versions.

Take a look if you wish:

joanna said...

Just saw you on the blogger of note thingie - read a little and was hooked - what a lovely mad mind you have...
I hate that people don't comment - feels like writing into a vacuum so hence the comment which is voauous in itself